Let's Play Celebrity Sighting! (4 Women + 1 Man in Art Edition)
Did you happen to see those photos of people posing in front of their "twins" found in paintings from museums around the world? Hilarious! Although I have yet to find my doppelgänger in art history (the image above of me at The Getty is meant to be humorous, I hope...!), it does remind me how often I see a striking resemblance to many famous faces in art. Let's have some fun with this and play a round of "Celebrity Sighting," just like my friends and I do spotting people who could just almost be a famous person (great fun in crowded events and venues when you're waiting for the main action to begin!).
John Singer Sargent, Lady with the Rose (Charlotte Louise Burckhardt), 1882
Is that actress Maggie Gyllenhaal (above)? Perhaps it was the actress's recent (and fabulous!) stand against sexism that makes me think of her when I look at this painting. Bravo Maggie! (Speaking of actual celebrity sightings, I was in line with her at a breakfast place here in L.A.--no make-up, gorgeous skin and eyes, as one would expect from a bonafide celeb!)
Marie Denise Villers, Marie Joséphine Charlotte du Val d'Ognes, 1801
Are you in a new period film, Dakota Fanning? Love the updo! What's going on in the background? Perhaps a little "Rear Window" drama playing out?
Anders Zorn, Frieda Schiff, 1894
It's nice to see you all dressed up too, Lena Dunham! As you probably know, Lena is the star of the HBO mega series Girls, but what you may not know is that she's also an "Endo Warrior" (she's suffered for most of her life with endometriosis, a disease that affects 1 in 10 women of reproductive age) and has been very open about her struggles, here most recently. Endometriosis has also been in a struggle in my family.
Raphael Soyer, Dora and Sol Wilson, 1974
Okay, I'm not showing you all women. This painting of a couple gave me a chuckle not because of any kind of facial likenesses to famous people, but because it reminds me of a wildly popular Instagram account featuring an older Japanese couple who dress in a coordinated way! Sartorialism for seniors! Love it!
(All images of paintings above courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art)