Millenial Much? Is This Pink Here to Stay or Nay?

Millenial Much? Is This Pink Here to Stay or Nay?

It's everywhere folks. At first I thought this shade dubbed Millenial Pink--a version of this pastel with the slightest bit of gray to knock out any associations with baby dolls or bubblegum--would have its run in the seasons of florals, spring and summer. But now enamel cookware maker Le Creuset has just released its own line in this very trendy shade, though named "Sugar Pink Matte" (image via Le Creuset). This dutch oven (above) would be gorgeous filled with a pasta primavera, perhaps--but a spaghetti bolognese? Not so much. Here's where else this color has been appearing recently, so let's decide, yay or nay?

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This paint color from Farrow & Ball is called Pink Ground, just a dusty enough pink to be sophisticated with yellow undertones for warmth. (YAY)

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Would this blushing beauty work in your home? With its mid-century style and brass details, a pair of these chairs would work well either in a room painted in a sage green as in this photo, or in a bright white or dramatic dark gray space. (YAY)

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Perhaps working Millenial Pink into your home could be done more easily on a smaller scale with these little pots... (YAY)

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An Instagram favorite is NYC restaurant Pietro Nolita. Perhaps a glass of (also very trendy) rosรฉ to start? This is one of many eateries catering to this craze for all things pink to attract customers. (Breaking news! Pink chocolate has been invented from the ruby cocoa bean. Read about this officially named "ruby chocolate" and its creator Barry Callebaut -- fascinating.) (NAY for pink restaurants; YAY for pink sweets)

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Pink in fashion clothing and accessories? (ALWAYS YAY) (Source top left here, top right here, bottom right here)

What's your opinion on color crazes? Are you a YAY or NAY for Millenial Pink? Let's discuss in the comments section below!

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